We compiled videos that can be used as aids in learning/teaching Stoichiometric Calculations.
REVIEW: Stoichiometry
Chemists need stoichiometry to make the scale of chemistry more understandable - Hank is here to explain why, and to teach us how to use it. Pssst... we made...
Stoichiometric Calculations
Stoichiometry: meaning of coefficients in a balanced equation; coefficient and molar ratios, mole-mole calculations, mass-mass calculations, mass-partic...
This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into stoichiometry. It contains mole to mole conversions, grams to grams and mole to gram dimens...
Welcome to my chemistry vodcast channel. This video covers how to solve a stoichiometric problem.
[BIOLOGY TEACHING Module] Classification of Plants
[BIO TEACHING MODULE] Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
Central Dogma: Flow of information from DNA to proteins: www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-central-dogma
Mutations and Abnormalities: www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-mutation-abnormalities
We also curated a PROBLEM SET that can be be used for class ASSESSMENT. You can access the PROBLEM SET and ANSWER KEY via the following LINK: www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-central-dogma-quiz.
Genetic Engineering: www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-genetic-engineering
Applications of Recombinant DNA: Vaccines, Gene Therapy, DNA fingerprinting & Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-taxonomy-domains-kingdoms-sn62x
We also curated a PROBLEM SET that can be be used for class ASSESSMENT. You can access the PROBLEM SET and ANSWER KEY via the following LINK: www.filscihub.com/community/blogpost-bio-module-gene-eng-ps.
[BIO TEACHING MODULE] Classifying Organisms - Taxonomy
[BIO TEACHING MODULE] Relationship between population growth and carrying capacity
PROBLEM SET: Relationship between population growth and carrying capacity.
[BIO TEACHING MODULE] Cellular Reproduction & Genetics
PROBLEM SET: Relationship between population growth and carrying capacity.