[CHEMISTRY] Ionization Energy


A compilation of videos about Ionization Energy.

Introduction: Ionization Energy

This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into Ionization Energy. It discusses the periodic trends and exceptions as well as providing plen...

eCHEM 1A: Online General Chemistry College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/echem1a Curriculum and ChemQuizzes ...

In this video, we start looking at ionisation energy. Many students find this a tricky topic so I've split it over four videos. Here we explore what is meant...

Definition of ion and ionization energy, and trends in ionization energy across a period and down a group. Watch the next lesson: https://www.khanacademy.org...

When we learned about periodic trends, we learned about ionization energy. Just how much energy is required to remove an electron from an atom? What about a ...