
This module covers video discussions about Population.

Population Ecology

Population ecology is the study of groups within a species that interact mostly with each other, and it examines how they live together in one geographic are...

Population & Sustainability

In which John Green teaches you about population. So, how many people can reasonably live on the Earth? Thomas Malthus got it totally wrong in the 19th centu...

Ecological Carrying Capacity

What is Carrying Capacity? The carrying capacity is the maximum number of a species that an environment can support. The maximum number of individuals in a s...

Human Population Growth

If being alive on Earth were a contest, humans would win it hands down. We're like the Michael Phelps of being alive, but with 250,000 times more gold medals...


In a very short amount of time the human population exploded and is still growing very fast. Will this lead to the end of our civilization? Check out https:/...