FilSciHub compiled a collection of online videos about matter, its definition and types, physical and chemical properties, and changes in states.
FilSciHub compiled a collection of online videos about matter, its definition and types, physical and chemical properties, and changes in states.
What's the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? What are elements, compounds, pure substances, and mixtures? So many definitions to le...
Introduction to the states or phases of matter. Watch the next lesson:
View full lesson: Have you ever seen static electricity cause a spark of light? What is...
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter. Mr. Causey discusses physical properties and changes as well as chemical properties and changes. Physical changes...
On Earth, materials exist in one of three main states of matter: solid, liquid or gas. Materials can change between these states. When a state change occurs,...
Learn about the phases of matter, kinetic theory and temperature in this video.
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: Sittin...